Senior Machine Learning Engineer
Port 6's goal is to build the leading augmented reality interaction laboratory in Europe over the next year. A time machine over and into the next leap in human cognition since the invention of the personal computer. At Port 6, you will be working in our interaction laboratory to transform biometric data into liberating and powerful interactions that feel nothing short of pure magic.
At the core of the work will be the development of highly effective collection, training and testing pipelines for the purpose of utilizing biometric data in Augmented Reality user interfaces, games, and apps. You will work closely with our interaction and hardware teams to design and implement the use of software in custom input hardware.
You will be challenged to solve problems that have never been solved before - but you'll always get to do it together with the team.
And also, you will get a chance to own a part of the company.
Transform biometric signals from our custom hardware into commands and digital representations of the human hand
Design highly effective collection, training and testing pipelines for rapid iteration and effective research work
Design and implement cutting edge, relevant, and robust, and data architectures
Things we'd value from you
Experience and knowledge of creating and shipping ML projects
Understanding of modern technologies, data processing methods, ML architectures, and applied mathematics
Experience with rapid and iterative work as we move very quick
Pro-activeness and adaptability in a startup environment
Have the appetite to solve previously unsolved problems
You are driven by innovation and want to experiment, a lot
Plus if
Excellent communication skills in English
You've worked with biometric data
If you love creating extremely cool stuff, we'd love to see your application!
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AR Unity Developer
Port 6's goal is to build the leading augmented reality interaction laboratory in Europe over the next year. A time machine over and into the next leap in human cognition since the invention of the personal computer.
At Port 6, you will be working in our interaction laboratory by prototyping a concert of novel interaction experiences in augmented reality. This includes the entire process from ideation and prioritization down to execution and demonstration of interaction demos.
Part of this work involves searching and understanding previously published research papers at the forefront of AR interaction hardware and techniques, as well as continuously developing a hands on intuition for new input hardware you encounter along your demo making journey.
At the core of the work will be the development of AR user interfaces, games, and apps using a combination of custom hardware devices built in house as well as externally sourced 3rd party input hardware. These devices range from output devices such as AR headsets and noise cancelling headphones to input devices such as hand pose estimation cameras, AR input gloves, wristbands, microphones, and more.
Additionally you will work closely with our hardware lab team to design custom input hardware for augmented reality with technical requirements that are most crucial to the demos you build, and the future of augmented reality.
You will be challenged to solve problems that have never been solved before - but you'll always get to do it together with the team. We move fast and we move united.
And also, you will get a chance to own a part of the company.
Deliver novel, creative, and compelling interaction demos at a high rate of iteration.
Developing a clear understanding and building a collective knowledge base on cutting edge augmented reality interaction methods.
Formulating desired technical requirements for new custom input devices.
Things we'd value from you
Experience with AR development and 3D game engines such as Unity or Unreal engine.
Familiarity with using and designing existing and custom multi-modal input and output methods in augmented reality such as hand tracking, voice recognition, and others.
Experience with rapid iterative prototyping as well as creating polished demo experiences with care where it matters.
Pro-activeness and adaptability in a startup environment
Have the appetite to solve previously unsolved problems.
You are driven by innovation and want to experiment, a lot
Plus if
Excellent communication skills in English
If you love creating extremely cool stuff, we'd love to see your application!
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Biomedical Acoustics Engineer
Port 6's goal is to build the leading augmented reality interaction laboratory in Europe over the next year. A time machine over and into the next leap in human cognition since the invention of the personal computer.
You will be working in our biometrics laboratory prototyping novel sensor and signal processing architectures in the acoustics domain. This includes the entire process from ideation, to research, prioritization and execution. These prototypes will be in the form of a portable wearable wristband device that gathers and processes sound based information from the air, skin, and internal tissue of the human body.
Part of this work involves searching and understanding research papers at the forefront of bioacoustics, as well as tailoring your sensor designs to be optimized for specific types of sounds that are of interest to the augmented reality interaction domain.
At its core, you will be developing quick and dirty proofs of concepts, non-invasive wearable electronics, various microphone sensor configurations and signal processing pipelines.
Additionally you will work closely with the rest of your team to design wristbands that include more than just acoustic sensors. You will also work closely with our interaction designers to understand the design requirements and constraints of a typical AR user directly implemented into amazing AR experiences.
Delivering numerous biometric proof of concepts with our team by rapid iteration.
Making Prototypes and Circuit Designs for portable and wearable bioacoustic devices.
Communicating findings, uncertainties, and properties of your work.
Things we would value from you
Experience with designing and selecting sound sensors and transmitters spanning a wide frequency spectrum from vibration transducers to bone conduction speakers. This includes both single sensing units as well as sensing arrays of multiple units.
Prior work involving sensors placed in various mediums and command over the physics of wave propagation across mediums such as from the human skin to a microphone.
Fluency with the signal processing, sensor fusion, sound localisation and 3D spatial filtering that come with the acoustic data from these sensor configurations.
Confidence in turning quick and dirty lab proofs of concepts to well packaged, low power circuit boards.
Plus if
Excellent communication skills in English
If you love creating extremely cool stuff, we'd love to see your application!
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Digital Signal Processing Engineer
Port 6's goal is to build the leading augmented reality interaction laboratory in Europe over the next year. A time machine over and into the next leap in human cognition since the invention of the personal computer.
You will be working in our biometrics laboratory prototyping novel sensor and signal processing architectures. This includes the entire process from ideation, to research, prioritisation and execution. These prototypes will be in the form of a portable wearable wristband device that gathers and processes signals based on information from the air, skin, and internal tissue of the human body.
Part of this work involves searching and understanding research papers at the forefront of multimodal biometric sensing, as well as tailoring your sensor designs to be optimised for specific types of signals that are of interest to the augmented reality domain.
At its core, you will be developing quick and dirty proof of concept prototypes, non-invasive wearable electronics, various sensor configurations and signal processing pipelines.
Additionally you will work closely with the rest of your team on these multi-sensor wristbands as well as working closely with our interaction designers to understand the design requirements and constraints of various augmented reality users.
Delivering numerous biometric proof of concepts with our team by rapid iteration.
Making Prototypes and Circuit Designs for portable and wearable biometric devices.
Communicating findings, uncertainties, and properties of the biometric properties of the human body.
Things we would value from you
Experience with designing and selecting sensors and transmitters spanning a wide frequency spectrum. This includes both single sensing units as well as sensing arrays of multiple units.
Prior work involving sensors placed in various mediums and command over the physics of wave propagation across mediums such as from the human skin to a sensor.
Fluency with the signal processing, sensor fusion, signal source localisation, filtering, etc.
Confidence in turning quick and dirty lab proofs of concepts to well packaged, low power circuit boards.
Plus if
Excellent communication skills in English
If you love creating extremely cool stuff, we'd love to see your application!
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Radio Frequency Engineer
Port 6's goal is to build the leading augmented reality interaction laboratory in Europe over the next year. A time machine over and into the next leap in human cognition since the invention of the personal computer.
You will be working in our biometrics laboratory prototyping novel sensor and signal processing architectures in the acoustics domain. This includes the entire process from ideation, to research, prioritization and execution. These prototypes will be in the form of a portable wearable wristband device that gathers and processes sound based information from the air, skin, and internal tissue of the human body.
Part of this work involves searching and understanding research papers at the forefront of low powered radio technology, as well as tailoring your sensor designs to be optimized for specific types of signals that are of interest to the augmented reality interaction domain.
At its core, you will be developing quick and dirty proofs of concepts, non-invasive wearable electronics, various radio transmitter and receiver configurations and signal processing pipelines based on new information we learn every day.
We move quickly.
Additionally you will work closely with the rest of your team to design wristbands that include more than just radio technology. You will also work closely with our interaction designers to understand the design requirements and constraints of a typical AR user and see your work directly implemented into amazing AR experiences.
Delivering numerous proof of concepts with our team by rapid iteration.
Making Prototypes and Circuit Designs for portable and wearable bioacoustics devices.
Communicating findings, uncertainties, and properties of your work.
Things we would value from you
An advanced degree in Radio Science, High Frequency Electronics, Analog and Digital Circuit Design, Electrical Engineering or similar
Prior work with high frequency signal transmission, propagation through mediums with varying properties, and reception.
Experience with antenna design from small to large, broad to directional, and single to multiple.
Fluency with signal processing
Familiarity with designing and making small and low power electronic circuit boards
Experience making a range of prototypes from quick and dirty proof of concepts to polished wearable devices close to the end use case.
Plus if
Excellent communication skills in English
If you love creating extremely cool stuff, we'd love to see your application!
Usually you design radio to be least prone to interference, we are trying to do the opposite. We want to design radio to be most prone to interference to our hand movements so we can detect what hand movement we're doing with radio.
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Senior AR Game developer or Senior AR technology programmer
Valo Motion is a game development and hardware manufacturing company from Espoo, Finland. We are a global provider of active games that move 35000+ people daily in 55+ countries. Our highly successful current products, Valojump and ValoClimb, have changed how the amusement and activity park industry looks at combining sport and games.
While working as a Senior AR Game developer or Senior AR technology programmer you will be creating unique game concepts for new products that will have a similar impact as ValoClimb and ValoJump. You will work with a highly passionate and motivated team to design, develop, deliver and maintain unique products that have not existed before.
Valo Motion is looking for 1 to 2 persons to join our family of enthusiasts who want to provide joy and thrill of movement to players around the globe.
- Designing and implementing (rapid prototyping) new game features and interactions
- Optimizing games to run smoothly
- Holistic game development
- Implementing visual effects and computer graphics wizardry
- Experience with AR/VR/XR
- Familiar with the Unity game engine
- Strong programming skills with C#
- Experience with debugging, optimizing game performance
- Several years of experience working on commercial products, with at least 1 commercially shipped product
- Experience with game design and development
- Deep knowledge of AR/computer vision technologies
- Skilled in implementing real-time visual effects and shaders
- Experience in computer vision
- Experience with Kinect or movement based games
- Interest in novel human-computer interaction
- Experience with C++
- Sports/exergame background
To apply, please send your CV, application letter and other information relevant to the position. The position will be filled as soon as a suitable applicant is found.

3D programmer / Engine developer
We’re looking for new team members (from senior and junior developers) who feel that these technologies shouldn’t be just the stuff of movies and games.
If your specialty falls between the following categories, we’d be more than happy to meet you:
C++ | 3D engine | GPU architecture | OpenGL | Mobile Platforms
More specifically we’d like to compliment our team with:
Engine and SDK developers who:
Code C++ using OpenGL
Are familiar with AR/MR
iOS and Android development
History with creating native plugins to Unreal and/or Unity
Application and Project Developers who:
Program in C++ and OpenGL
Are experienced in using different graphics SDK’s
Hands-on experience of building UI systems
AR/MR/XR familiarity
Different OS and architecture understanding

Digituottaja/projektipäällikkö AR/VR-projekteihin
Digituottaja/projektipäällikkö AR/VR-projekteihin
Stereoscape suunnittelee ja toimittaa interaktiivisia ja virtuaalisia ratkaisuja, jotka helpottavat ihmisten työtä ja elämää. Muutamme monimutkaisen ymmärrettäväksi, yksitoikkoisen mielenkiintoiseksi ja passiivisen interaktiiviseksi 3D/AR/MR/VR-teknologioiden avulla eri käyttökohteissa – markkinoinnista ja myynnistä koulutukseen ja kunnossapitoon. B2B-asiakkaamme hyötyvät myynnin nopeutumisesta, paremmista oppimistuloksista ja kohonneesta tuottavuudesta. Palvelemme johtavia suomalaisia yrityksiä, joiden asiakkaat ja työntekijät ovat ratkaisujemme loppukäyttäjiä. Lisää tietoa yrityksestämme löydät täältä: https://www.stereoscape.com/
Etsimme nopealla aikataululla tiimimme vahvistukseksi tuottajaa / projektipäällikköä vakituiseen työsuhteeseen tai freelance-sopimuksella. Työtä voit tehdä osittain etänä.
Toiveissamme on löytää oma-aloitteinen digituottaja ja/tai projektipäällikkö, joka työskentelee tiiviisti yhdessä myyntitiimimme ja tuotantotiimimme kanssa tehtävänään vastata projekteista konseptista toimitukseen.
Haemme henkilöä, jolla on
kokemusta projektien vetämisestä, mukaan lukien konseptointi, projektin sisällön, rajausten ja budjetin määrittely, laadunvarmistus, kommunikointi kumppaneiden ja asiakkaiden kanssa ja toimitusten varmistaminen. Sinun roolisi on avainasemassa, kun teemme tiedosta kokemuksellista 3D- ja XR-teknologioiden avulla, joten haemme henkilöä, joka on innostunut uusien teknologioiden mahdollisuuksista ja sovelluksista.
- Osaamista 3D-animaatiosta, 360-sisällöistä, interaktiivisista ja mobiilikäyttöliittymistä ja/tai AR- ja VR-sovelluksista
- Hyvää ymmärrystä digitaalisen sisällön tuotantoprosessista
- Hyvää englannin kielen ja tyydyttävää suomen kielen taitoa
- Unity ja/tai Unreal Engine -osaamisen luemme eduksi.
Jos kiinnostuit lähetä hakemus mahdollisimman pian, mutta viimeistään 7.1.2022 osoitteella jobs@stereoscape.com. Aloitamme haastattelut jo hakuaikana.
Digital Producer/Project Manager for AR/VR projects
Stereoscape designs and delivers interactive and virtual solutions that make people’s work and lives easier. We use 3D/AR/MR/VR technologies to make complex clear, turn boring into interesting and transform passive into interactive – in use cases from marketing & sales to training and maintenance. Our B2B clients benefit from faster sales cycles, better learning results and improved productivity. Our solutions serve the customers and employees of some of Finland’s finest companies. For more information about our company, please visit https://www.stereoscape.com/
We are looking for a Digital Producer/Project Manager to join our team on a permanent or freelance basis ASAP. You can work remotely at least part of the time.
You will work proactively and in close collaboration with our sales and production teams to manage projects from concept to completion.
You are
a person with experience in managing projects, including concepting, scoping, specification and budgeting of projects, ensuring quality, communicating with partners and clients as well as managing delivery. You will play a key part in turning information into experiences with the help of 3D and XR technologies. So we are looking for a person who is enthusiastic about the possibilities and applications of new technologies.
You should have
- At least some knowledge of 3D animation, 360-degree content, interactive & mobile interfaces and/or AR & VR applications
- A good understanding of the digital content production pipeline
- Good language skills in English and satisfactory skills in Finnish
- Unity and/or Unreal Engine experience is a definite plus.
If you are interested in the position, drop us your CV latest 7.1.2022 to jobs@stereoscape.com. Please note that we will start interviewing candidates during the application period.